Canadian guests from Children Hospital Eastern Ontario (CHEO) visited DREAM Trust in July 2010. They interviewed children & their parents & made home visits – within Nagpur and to nearby villages. In the picture: L to R
Dr. Alexandra Ahmet (Pediatric Endocrinologist, Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, CHEO), Dr. Caroline Zuijdwijk (Research fellow Pediatric Endocrinology unit, CHEO) & Prof. Dr. James Ron (Associate Professor, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, Ottawa)

There are several families from Canada who have sponsored Diabetic children of Dream Trust with the efforts of the CHEO Foundation. Research study has been also initiated to see the effect of sponsorship of Diabetic children of Dream Trust on their help and metabolic parameter

Photograph showing professor James Ron participating
in dream trust world diabetes day celebration in Nagpur
For Canadian tax-deductible donations to the Dream Trust.
Checks should be made out to: "The CHEO Foundation." 
Memo line of check should note:  "For Endocrinology & Diabetes Clinic in Nagpur, India. Fund # F-508"

Checks should be addressed to: 
Jama Watt
Connected Care
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) | Child & Youth Health Network for Eastern Ontario (CYHNEO)
401 Smyth Road, Ottawa ON K1H 8L1
Tel: (613) 737-7600 Ext. 3134 | Fax: (613) 738-4866 |

For donations by credit card or queries, please call or email
Jama Watt contacts noted above.
The CHEO Foundation will issue tax deductible receipts.